Just Say it:

Everyone whom ever has lived

 Has thought 'it can wait"

Anyone whom ever has hoped

Has hoped for one more day

But only a very few have ever said

"Live everyday like it's your last"

So if today was your last day

Would you really be okay

Could you even say goodbye

Would you have any regrets

Could you look him in the eyes

Could you say "I love you"

One last time

It's one risk that cannot be taken

Tell him now

Don't wait until tomorrow

For tomorrow may never come



Please, just tell everyone the truth and don't wait until tomorrow to do so.


If She Only Knew

If she knew she would lose you

She never would've fought

If she knew she would lose you

You'd be her every thought

If she knew she would lose you

You'd never leave her sight

If she knew she would lose you

She'd dream of you every night

If she only knew

She'd never let you go

If she only knew

She would've let you know

She'd make the days longer

She'd make your embrace warmer

She'd tell you the truth

She'd love you forever

But it was all so perfect

She never thought she'd lose you

Never thought you'd walk away

That's why you never knew her demons

Why you never saw her angels

Why she never said she loved you

Even though it's all she ever wanted to say

If only she had known


Today could be your last day with someone you love, tell them the whole truth, don't wait...

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